Neighbourhood Policing & Watch Teams

The Neighbourhood policing team have received a number of reports lately from residents of Tickton regarding various issues of anti-social behaviour / under-age drinking and Rogue Traders.

Residents are reminded of the importance of alerting the police to any such issues as we will always seek to take positive action against offenders, and where offences cannot be proven we would still look to gather important intelligence / information.

If residents see any suspicious activity, persons or vehicles in the area, they should note vehicle details, descriptions etc and pass them on to the local policing team using the non-emergency number 0845 60 60 222. If however an issues is on-going and requires more urgent assistance then the standard 999 number should be used.

Many residents may feel that certain issues don’t warrant contacting the police, however we would encourage them to pass on any information or concerns they may have about anything going on in the village. If residents are just wanting advice regarding any concerns they may have the local policing team are always happy to assist.