1. Purpose and Scope

This document is designed to help and encourage all employees to achieve and maintain the standards of conduct expected by the council, its partners, and the people that it works Any breach in standards of conduct will be addressed in a fair, objective, and effective manner. It is not intended that this procedure will be used purely as a punitive measure. As an aid towards good performance and a clear understanding, on the employee’s part, of council standards and objectives, the Council should have in place a number of other procedures to develop good working relationships between employees and the Council. Central to this relationship are regular supervisory meetings to discuss and resolve work related issues. Other mechanisms, such as the annual appraisal, exist to help ensure that problems are raised openly and resolved to mutual satisfaction. The purpose of this document is to set down a mechanism to enable the Council to resolve issues of discipline.

Wherever possible disciplinary issues should be dealt with at the source of the problem. Good leadership, proper job design, training, effective performance management, supervision and counselling will all combine to lessen the need for punitive action. The Employment Act 2008 introduced a Code of Practice designed by the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACaS) to resolve disputes at as early a stage as possible. The Department for Business, Enterprise, and Regulatory Reform (BERR) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) jointly published guidance with ACaS on appropriate standards to achieve early resolution to problems. Central to this guidance is the long-accepted practice within the 1st Tier of local government that despite any desired intention to resolve any issues informally, the Council recognises that, from time to time, difficulties may arise in working relationships between employees that may be difficult to resolve without recourse to a third Effective investigation of any case against an employee is key to the matter being resolved. Additionally training for the employer, i.e., the council, in employment matters should also be a fundamental part of any preventative measures that the council wishes to take.

The Code of Practice takes no account of the status of the Parish Council as the employer and the fact that no single councillor may act as the employer. It is critical therefore that whilst the council will wish to engage with the principles of the Code, in terms of early resolution of conflict, a sound and accountable structure must be in place to satisfy the legislative governance standards expected of Parish and Town councils. The appointment of a committee of three members to handle disciplinary issues is key to the success of this policy as is the principle that an external third party may have to appointed as investigator. The attached procedure (Appendix 1) sets out the formal process and timescales, it is expected that at all stages of the process the person or committee investigating the disciplinary issue will want to meet all involved parties and to discuss with them the issues involved as quickly as possible.

1.2 It is the Council’s policy to promote regular structured supervisory sessions which will identify and address any minor breaches of conduct as and when they occur, and will possibly result in informal steps, such as training, counselling, and increased supervision to halt and correct inappropriate behaviour.

2.0 Principles

 This procedure is based upon the following core principles:

3.0 The Procedure

Suspension will always be with contractual pay, and written confirmation of the reason for suspension and its likely duration will be provided to the employee as soon as is reasonably practicable. Such notification will be sent by the Disciplinary Committee and will indicate any additional restrictions on access to any premises, and/or contact with any specific employees, councillors, members of the public, officers in other authorities, customers, clients, partners, or volunteers for the period of the suspension. The restrictions must be justifiable in the circumstances of the case.

As an alternative to suspension, the council may choose to transfer, temporarily, the employee under investigation.

Notification will be sent by the Disciplinary Committee and will give the employee reasonable notice. Where necessary, an alternative date may be agreed by both parties.

The employee may make written submissions to the hearing and may request the appearance of witnesses, details of which must be received by the Disciplinary Committee in reasonable time to be made available to other parties prior to the hearing.

Where no disciplinary action is taken following a hearing, all papers shall be destroyed immediately.

Members of the Disciplinary Committee will not be involved in any subsequent appeal.

If an employee fails to attend a hearing without a legitimate reason, the hearing may proceed in her/his absence and will advise the employee of the outcome in writing within 48 hours of the meeting or as soon as is reasonably practicable.

3.5  The Disciplinary Committee will consist of three members of the Council.

4.0 Stages of Disciplinary Action

4.1 Oral Warning

4.2 First Written Warning

4.3 Final Written Warning

 If there is further misconduct or continuing failure to improve performance to an acceptable level within the six months since a first written warning was issued, or if the misconduct or performance is serious enough to warrant one written warning only a final written warning will be given. This will give details of the complaint, will warn that dismissal will result if there is no satisfactory improvement or a further breach in conduct and will advise of the right of appeal. The warning will remain active for a period of twelve months after which time it will be removed from the records.

4.4 Dismissal

5.0 Right to be accompanied

6.0 Criminal Offences

7.0 Appeals

8.0 Standards of Conduct and Performance

 This section is not intended to provide an exhaustive list of rules but is a source of guidance on the sort of breaches in conduct that may result in disciplinary action.

9.0 Miscellaneous

 At all meetings a record will be made, and a copy sent to the

Date of policy: September 2023 Date of meeting: 5 September 2023 Minutes: 23-24/84

Policy version reference: v2

Date for next review: September 2025 or on change of legislation