Draft – Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings (Chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, K Macklin, Mrs Fearnall, R Jennings, D Thorne, Miss Richardson, Councillor Gateshill,

22-23/15 Apologies: Mrs Saunders

22-23/16 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: Miss Richardson declared an interest in agenda item 22-23/27 and would not be taking part in any of the discussions.

The clerk had been informed by Councillor Gateshill that Councillor Greenwood had sadly passed

away. The chair proposed that the parish council hold a minute’s silence.

22-23/17 Co-option of parish councillors: 3 residents had submitted an expression of interest in becoming a parish councillor. As there were only 2 places available a vote had to be held.

Mrs Frances Cooper and Mrs Lynn Burrows were co-opted onto the council. As the signed declarations of Acceptance of Office had not been signed by both co-opted councillors, they observed the meeting.

22-23/18 Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.

22-23/19 Clerk’s report: All included on the agenda or correspondence

22-23/20 Planning applications

22/01673/TPO – Mrs Hudson – TPO – LEVEN NO. 10 (REF 724) G1 – Fell 1 no. Pine tree (T1) as the tree is shedding limbs due to exposure to strong winds resulting from neighbouring trees being felled, is large for its location, and as it is in close proximity to houses at 6 Apple Tree Garth, Leven Leven parish council supports the tree officer’s recommendations.

22-23/21 Planning decisions:

22/01136/PLF – Curtis Brook – Erection of two storey extension to side/rear extension, single storey extension to rear and porch to front at 27 Barley Gate, Leven                  Approved

22-23/22 Correspondence

5 May 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilCode of Conduct Training – 22 June 2022
11 May 2022Newbald Parish CouncilJoint communication regarding ERYC
17 May 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilBus Service – Leven
18 May 2022The Conservation VolunteersFree Trees for 2022/2023
18 May 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilTemporary banners – public highway
23 May 2022Trevor PearceEast Street crossroads, Leven
27 May 2022Mr McDonald17 and 19 East Street
1 June 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilTask Force schedules

22-23/23 Treasurer’s report

7 June 2022HMRC£575.80Quarterly tax return
 Autela Payroll Services£62.07Quarterly payroll fees
 Mrs S L Woolfitt (Defib Store Ltd)£174.00Replacement pads/battery
 Phil’s Gardening Services£90.00Grass cutting – Jubilee Garden
13 June 2022Leven Pre-School£449.00Donation towards the purchase of a laptop
25 June 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt£406.00June salary and expenses
 Mr A E Dawson£200.77June salary

S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

22-23/24 Approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22: S Nicholson proposed,

Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Annual Governance Statement being signed.

22-23/25 Approval of the Accounting Statement 2021/22: S Nicholson proposed,

Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Accounting Statement being signed.

22-23/26 Approval of the Accounts and Certificate of Exemption 2021/22: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Accounts and Certificate of Exemption being signed.

22-23/27 Financial matters – donation request Leven Pre-school: A request had been received from Leven Pre-School asking for a donation towards the cost of a laptop. By having a new laptop, the Pre-School will be able to use ‘Tapestry’ which is an online journal to help record all the learning of children’s early years education. The new laptop is costing £449. S Nicholson proposed,

Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of giving the full amount.

22-23/28 Representatives reports:

Family Festival 2022: D Thorne reported that everything is organised and they just now need the weather to be kind.

22-23/29 General purpose matters:

Trees – Beverley Road: There are concerns over the condition of the trees on the left-hand side of Beverley Road as you approach the village. The clerk will contact the tree section at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to ask for them to be inspected.

West Street: The road at the top of West Street adjacent to the shops is very congested at times and the clerk is to ask that the double yellow lines are continued passed the fish and chip shop.

Commuted Sums: The clerk is to write to Lea-Anne Wright at East Riding of Yorkshire Council to ask for a member of the team to attend a parish council meeting to discuss the commuted sums that will be available from the 3 separate housing developments in the village.

Beacon: A discussion took place regarding the beacon and why it was not lit for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It transpires that it belongs to the youth club. D Thorne is to speak to ‘Stitch’ to ask if it could be moved.

22-23/30 Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 5 July 2022 at 7:15pm in the school As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:42pm