DRAFT Minutes of Leven parish council held on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 at 7:15pm at Leven CE (VC) School

Present: S Mathison (chair), S Nicholson, K Macklin, Mrs Fearnall, R Jennings, D Thorne, Miss Richardson, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Saunders, Councillor Gateshill, PCSO LeGrove

22-23/46  Apologies: Mrs Cooper, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings

22-23/47  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None

22-23/48 Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the minutes being signed as a true record.

22-23/49  Clerk’s report: The clerk had no items to report on

22-23/50  Planning applications

22/02589/PLF – Mr R Wirtz – Erection of single storey extension to the side/ rear following removal of existing garage, 61 Barley Gate Leven: No objections to the application

22/02761/STVAR – Southwell County Homes – Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) of planning reference 17/02687/STREM for Erection of 66 dwellings following Outline planning permission 16/02035/STOUT (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered) to amend the site layout and alter house type on plots 36, 37,38, 39 and 47 at Land South of The Redwoods, High Stile, Leven: Leven parish council has previously objected to changes to the design of properties already approved by the planning officers and therefore will not be commenting on this application and leave the decision to the planning officers.

22-23/51  Planning decisions: none

22-23/52 Correspondence

13 July 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilTown & Parish Council Planning Liaison Meeting minutes and presentation
August 2022ERNLLCAAugust Newsletter 2022
2 August 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilClimate Change Strategy Survey
5 August 2022Humberside PoliceMonthly updates July 2022
5 August 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilStreet Lighting SLA costs
11 August 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilInterim Director of Legal and Democratic Services
11 August 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilERYC Drop In events
11 August 2022SAAASAAA 2022 Opt-Out communication – external auditor appointment arrangements
17 August 2022getextraWebsite Security
18 August 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilTemporary Emergency Road Closure
18 August 2022ERNLLCAAnnual General Meeting 22.09.2022
20 August 2022Jonathan SmithNew Development – Peter Ward Homes
30 August 2022Humberside PoliceCommunity Led Speed Watch Group

Community Speed Watch: The clerk has been contacted by residents in the village regarding the speeding traffic. The clerk has contacted Humberside Police regarding setting up a Community Speed Watch Group.

22-23/53 Treasurer’s report

12 August 2022P Peel Gardening Services£45.00Grass cutting – Jubilee Garden
15 August 2022M Peel£1000Hanging baskets and planters filled
25 August 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt£406.00August salary and expenses
25 August 2022Mr A E Dawson£200.77August salary
6 September 2022NPower£3.23Festive lighting 2021-2022
6 September 2022HMRC532.20Quarterly tax return
6 September 2022Leven Recreation Hall£16.00Room hire
6 September 2022P Peel Gardening Services£45.00Grass cutting – Jubilee Garden
6 September 2022Autela Payroll Services£49.96Quarterly payroll fees
6 September 2022Amazon£24.14Litter picker, bags, heavy duty gloves
25 September 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt£406.00September salary and expenses
25 September 2022Mr A E Dawson£108.84Holiday pay – final salary

S Nicholson proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

22-23/54 Financial matters:

Planters: The clerk provided an update on the sponsorship of the planters and hanging baskets. Mrs Saunders and S Nicholson kindly offered to sponsor a planter each. The clerk is to contact ERYC to ask for daffodil and crocus bulbs to be delivered.

22-23/55 Handyperson appointment: Mr Gary Mitchell has been appointed as the new Handyperson starting 1st October 2022.

22-23/56 Civil and Respect Policy adoption by the parish council: The draft policy had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. Miss Richardson proposed, Mrs Burrows seconded, and all were in favour of the parish council adopting the policy.

Humberside Police: PCSO LeGrove had kindly attended the parish council meeting and hopes to come to the parish council meetings as often as possible. The parish council are very grateful for this. PCSO advised on recent crimes in the village. He advised that there are more distraction burglaries taking place during the day. Residents need to be careful.

Theft of a purse from the Doctors surgery.

Number plates stolen from a vehicle on Hornsea Road.

22-23/57  Representatives reports

Leven Playingfields Committee: As K Macklin has resigned from the Leven Playingfields Committee there is no longer a representative from the parish council on it. Miss Richardson has offered to fill the position. The clerk will email Sara Town, Leven Playingfields, to ask if this is possible.

22-23/58  General purpose matters

Public Amenity area, Sandholme Lane: The clerk is to contact ERYC to ask for the grass to be cut.

Footpath outside of 8 – 16 Mill Drive: It was reported that the footpath is breaking up and is dangerous to pedestrians. The clerk is to report it to ERYC.

22-23/59  Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 4 October 2022 at 7:15pm in the School

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:05pm