For Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 6 June 2023 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, R Jennings, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Fearnall, F Hood Mrs Jones, S Mathison

In attendance: D Dye (Clerk), Cllr P Smith 5 residents

23-24/40              Apologies: Miss Richardson

23-24/41              Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None

Cllr P Smith spoke briefly about his support for the Parish Council and that he would like to do a walk around the village to familiarise himself. The Chair and S Mathison will meet with Cllr P Smith to undertake a walk around the village, the clerk is to liaise with Cllr Smith. Cllr Smith left the meeting at 7:30pm.

23-24/42              Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all agreed that they were a true reflection.

23-23/43              Co-option of Councillors

Four residents had shown an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor and all had submitted an Expression of Interest in Becoming a Councillor Form which had been circulated to all the councillors prior to the meeting. Three applicants also had the opportunity to speak for 2 minutes to the Parish Councillors to express what they had to offer the Parish Council. A separate secret ballot, for each vacant post, then took place based on the Expression of Interest forms and the applicants’ speech for each of the three vacancies which also included the resident (using their written submission) who could not attend the meeting. The ballot was counted by the clerk and the results were verified by the Chair. The following residents were elected for co-option to the Parish Council:

  • Craig Farley
  • Ian Lamping
  • Chris Ablett

As the newly elected councillors had not completed their Declaration of acceptance of Office Forms, they took no further part in discussions. The clerk to issue the new councillors with the relevant paperwork and email copies of the council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct.

23-24/44              Clerk’s Report:

  • Community Speed Watch: Training for Community Speed Watch volunteers took place on 18 May 2023 and a co-ordinator from the volunteers was agreed. Mrs Burrows, Mrs Jones, and Mrs Fearnall also attend the training. Three Community Speed Watch sessions have taken place.
  • 17 and 19 East Street: The Clerk has spoken to the ERYC Officer, and they are in the process of dealing with this matter.
  • Kings Coronation Grant: Quotes have been obtained for a concrete base for the bench to sit on (see 23-24/48).
  • NatWest: the bank mandate was still on going and has been chased up.
  • Training: a joint training session with Tickton and Routh Parish Council and Rowley Parish Council to be undertaken by ERNLLCA has been pencilled in for Monday 25 September 2023. A venue has yet to be decided.
  • Telephone: The Clerk has purchased a mobile to be used purely for Council telephone calls and texts; the website has been updated with the new telephone number.
  • Dust Bin: The clerk has spoken and meet with ERYC Operations Manager. The cost of a waste bin would be £575.98 + VAT. ERYC advised a bin could not safely be located at the bus stop; however, a bin could be located on the grass verge near the lamp post near to the bench on the other side of the entrance to Allison’s Yard. A decision will be made at the July meeting.
  • The Clerk invited S Aitken form Albanwise Environment Ltd to advise about their Wetlands project at Hall Farm and the Leven Carrs Landscape Recovery Pilot Project, unfortunately they could not attend this meeting and no response has been received to an invite to the July meeting.

23-24/45              Planning Applications

  • 22/03671/STVAR Dacre Lakeside Park Starcarr Lane Brandesburton East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 8RT: Variation of Conditions 7 (Number of Caravans) and 8 (Location of Pitches) of planning permission 06/07445/STVAR (Variation of condition 4 on application N3906(k) to allow for the siting of caravans all year round) to change caravan pitch numbers and site layout (amended plans and description) No objections.
  • 22/04065/PLF Land East of Dacre Lakeside Park Starcarr Lane Brandesburton East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 8RT: Installation of ground mounted solar PV array. No objections.
  • 23/01043/STVAR Heron Lakes Main Road Routh East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9SL: Variation of condition 1 (approved plans) of planning permission 20/03800/STVAR (Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/04154/STPLF (Change of use of land for the siting of an additional 187 holiday accommodation (131 holiday lodges/static caravans and 56 camping pods/yurts), erection of a reception/office, bistro/gym, toilet/shower blocks, MUGA, play area and associated landscaping, drainage and engineering works) to allow amendments to the layout of the holiday accommodation. No objections.

23-24/46              Planning decisions

  • TPO – GARTH HOUSE, LEVEN – 1984 (REF 91) G1 – Crown reduce 1 no. Sycamore tree by 2-3 metres due to the tree being dangerous, concerns for branches falling and causing harm to family members and takes up two thirds of the garden Location: Garth House 14 Hornsea Road Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NJ Applicant: Mr Simon Taylor. Application Part Refuse and Part Grant.

23-24/47              Correspondence

17 May 2023ERNLLCANewsLetter
22, 25, 30 May 2023RWEDogger Bank South Offshore Wind Farm Statutory Consultation
23 May 2023ERNLLCAAnnual Conference
30 May 2023York Consortium Drainage BoardAGAR publication notice

23-24/48              Financial matters and Governance to review and approve:

Budget Monitoring: The Budget Monitoring report was circulated prior to the meeting; Mrs Fearnall proposed, Mrs Jones seconded, and all were in favour of receiving the report and accepting changes to the future format of the report.

The following payments were due for payment during June 2023.

June 2023 Salary Costs£655.44
Mobile Telephone and top up – Tesco£29.99
Autela Payroll Services£54.58
HMRC – PAYE April to June 2023£591.40

Mrs Jones proposed, F Hood seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made. As no bank statements have been received the adjusted bank balance currently stands at


Revised Budget 2023/24: The clerk and the chair of the Finance Committee have reviewed the 2023/24 budget allocations, details of which were circulated prior to the meeting. S Mathison proposed, Mrs Jones seconded, all in favour of the revised budget allocations for 2023/24.

Planters and Hanging Baskets: The village hanging baskets have been delivered and are now in place, with the village planters have now been planted up. The cost of this will be £1,000; various local businesses and private individuals sponsoring the planters to cover the cost. The Chair had contacted two local business who had agreed to sponsor the planters. The clerk will reflect this in the revised budgets. R Jennings proposed, F Hood seconded, all in favour of the council continuing to arrange for the hanging baskets and planters with Mr Peel and seek sponsorship from local businesses.

Kings Coronation Bench: 3 quotes were requested for the concrete base for the King’s Coronation Bench to sit on however only 2 quotations have been received the lowest bid was £280. Mrs Fearnall proposed, R Jennings seconded, all in favour of lowest bid received, Kentic Resource, providing the concrete base. Mrs Jones has investigated the possibility of a commemorative plaque for the bench. The cost will be £85 Mrs Jones will arrange for a proforma invoice for the plaque to be sent to the clerk; R Jennings proposed, S Mathison seconded, all in favour of design and the purchase of the plaque from Andrews Signs & Engravers Ltd of York. The Clerk will add this to the King’s Coronation Budget and arrange payment on receipt of the proforma invoice.

Standing Orders and Financial Regulations: The Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were circulated prior to the meeting for review and approval. R Jennings proposed, F Hood seconded, all in favour of the approving the Standing Orders and for the Financial Regulations approval to be postponed until an intended local authority review had been undertaken and issued to the Parish Council.

23-24/49              Approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23: The clerk presented the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. F Hood proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 being signed.

23-24/50              Approval of the Accounting Statements 2022/23: The clerk presented the Accounting Statement 2022/23 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. F Hood proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Accounting Statement for 2022/23 being signed.

23-24/51              Approval of the Accounts and Certificate of Exemption 2022/23: The clerk presented the Accounts and Certificate of Exemption 2022/23 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mrs Jones proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the Approval of the Accounts and Certificate of Exemption for 2023 being signed.

23-24/52              Representatives’ reports:

Youth Club: Mrs Jones has been investigating the issues behind the current situation in respect of the land adjacent to the wildlife park and provided an update.

Recreation Hall: Mrs Burrows is to meet with the Recreation Hall Secretary.

23-24/53              General purpose matters

The Clerk is to contact ERYC in respect of the following:

  • The ash tree near the BT Telephone Exchange appears to have ash tree die back;
  • Numerous potholes on the path between number 6 to 28 Mill Drive;
  • A pothole on the public footbath just past the BT Telephone Exchange; and
  • Look into arranging a dropped kerb at the junction of Mill Drive with East Street.

A donation of a strimmer has been received, for use by the handyman for parish council use, from a local resident who wishes to remain anonymous; a letter of thanks has been written to the doner.

The new Hedgehog go slow signs have been received and attached to the back of the planters by S Mathison.

23-24/54              Date of next meeting will be held on a 4 July 2023 7:15pm at the school.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9:18pm

Signature: ………………………………..            Date: ………………………………..

Initials: ………..