For Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 5 Sept 2023 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Burrows (Chair), C Ablett, Mrs Fearnall , Mrs Jones, I Lamping Miss Richardson, S Mathison.

In attendance: D Dye (Clerk), Cllr P Smith

23-24/70              Apologies: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, C Farley, F Hood, R Jennings

23-24/71              Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: 23-24/84 proposal for a waste bin on South Street – C Ablett and I Lamping live adjacent to the bus stop.

23-24/72              Approval of the minutes of the last meeting

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Mrs Jones, seconded, and all agreed that they were a true reflection of the meeting held on 4 July 2023.

23-24/73              To receive the ERYC Ward Councillor update report: The Ward Councillor’s report was noted that:

  • Cllr Smith recently attended a Community Speed Watch Training Event and is coming to the Leven with a Police representative to undertake a Community Speed check. Cllr Smith would also like to attend one of the Leven Community Speed Check sessions. Mrs Burrows is to co- ordinate this.
  • Cllr Smith is reviewing the fitness for purpose and the state of repair cycle path between Leven and Tickton.
  • Cllr Smith would like to undertake a walk around Leven, Mrs Burrow, Mrs Fearnall, Miss Richardson and S Mathison would liaise with Cllr Smith to facilitate this.
  • Cllr Smith has been investigating issues relating to the dust/loose shale connected with vehicles leaving the Quarry and aspects relating to a hole in the fence near the quarry and the dumping of waste.
  • There has been a spike in the theft of Industrial batteries such as those used on haulage vehicles and caravans.
  • A developer has contacted residents of new homes close to the Garden Centre in Tickton about adding a Starbucks Drive-Through.

Cllr Smith left at 7:40pm

23-24/74              Appointment of Finance Sub Committee members:

Resolved:            Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the following councillors to be appointed to the Finance Sub Committee:

  • Mrs Burrows (Chair)
  • S Farley
  • R Jennings
  • Miss Richardson

23-24/75              To approve Appointments to the Personnel Sub Committee

Resolved:            Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the following councillors to be appointed to the Personnel Sub Committee:

  • Mrs Ellerington-Jennings (Chair)
  • C Ablett
  • Mrs Fearnall
  • Mrs G Jones
  • Miss Richardson

23/24/76              To approve the Personnel Sub Committee Terms of Reference

A copy of the Personnel Sub Committee Terms of Reference had been circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved: Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of approving the Terms of Reference of the Finance Sub Committee.

23-24/77              Motion Proposed by Councillors

S Mathison and Mrs Ellerington-Jennings proposes that the council considers a response to Albanwise correspondence about access to Leven Canal via road from the airfield. The council considered their response:

L Burrows proposed, A Fearnall seconded all were in favour of gathering evidence to show that the public has used the route for a continuous period of over 20 years and identify any historical evidence indicating that it has been a public highway, this area will be included in Cllr Smiths walk about (23-24/73 refers).

23-24/78              To receive the Clerk’s Report

NatWest: the bank mandate was still on going and will need to be chased up by one of the original signatories.

Kings Coronation Bench: The bench has been installed and the grant paperwork has been completed. An invoice has recently been received for the concrete base and installation costs (23/24-83 refers).

Training: A joint Councillor Introduction training session with Tickton and Routh Parish Council and Rowley Parish Council to be undertaken by ERNLLCA and will now take place at 6pm on Monday 30 October 2023 at Leven Primary School.

17 and 19 East Street Leven: East Riding of Yorkshire Council have served a Section 215 Notice of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) (as amended) on the owner of the property and was displayed on the land by Planning Enforcement Officers on 11th of September 2023 and gives a compliance date of the 8th of December 2023.

Weeds on the Kerbs: ERYC have been contacted and have agreed to spray the weeds. Due to the inclement weather ERYC have had problems undertaking the spraying during the summer months.

Police Attendance at meetings: the clerk has given PC Seed the dates of all the 2023/24 Parish Council Meetings. They will only attend if they are on duty and therefore they could not attend this meeting.

Tree Maintenance: ERYC have responded to the clerk’s request to cut back the trees on the Main Road from Routh, which they have inspected and will be included in their arboriculture works programme.

Gas Beacon: The clerk has contacted Tickton and Routh Parish Clerk. Both clerks are to get another quote for a beacon before submitting a joint bid for funding from the Routh Windfarm.

23-24/79              Consideration of memorial bench in South Street

A copy of a request from J Sangwin for a memorial bench to be situated on the corner of Westlands Way and South Street Leven was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.

The location was visited by the Vice Chair and Clerk prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed that:

  • The position was not a good option as there is not a lot of space in that area to place a bench.
  • People are likely to congregate to chat around the bench and on the footpath where Westlands Way meets South Street that could well obscure the view for drivers turning out of Westlands Way on to South Street.
  • There are currently two other benches close by.

It was suggested that perhaps a bench could be placed in another area where there are fewer benches.

Resolved: C Ablett proposed, Miss Richardson seconded that the Clerk contact J Sangwin to advise them to consider a different location where there is more space, clear visibility and fewer benches nearby.

23-24/80            Consideration and approval of response to ERYC Community Governance Review Consultation

The ERYC Community Governance Review has indicated that from the next election (2027) they recommend that number of councillors for the Leven Parish Council should be reduced from 11 to

10. This figure is a NALC recommendation based on the number of residents on Leven Parish’s

electoral register. There is currently a consultation on the proposals.

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Miss Richardson seconded, and all were in favour of not responding to the ERYC Community Governance Review consultation.

23-24/81              To consider ERYC Planning Applications

23/02293/TCA Centreville 15 East Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NG. Leven Conservation Area – Crown reduction of 1 NO. Sycamore tree (T1) by up to 3 metres on western side of the tree to allow more clearance to the property. As the ERYC deadline for comments was before this meeting details were forwarded to all the parish councillors for their comments as per the delegated powers approved 4 July 2023 (23-24/63 refers).

Resolved: No Objections, the Parish Council Supports the Tree Officer’s decision.

23-24/82              To received ERYC planning decisions

23/01657/TCA 3 East Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NG Applicant. Proposal: Leven Conservation Area – Pollard 1no Yew tree (T1) to height of 2.4m – 3m in line with neighbour’s gutter Location: Permission granted.

23/01437/PLF 47 South Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NY. Erection of single storey extension to side/rear following removal of existing conservatory, and installation of front bay windows to replace existing bay windows. Permission granted.

23/01346/PLF 54 Westlands Way Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5LG. Erection of two storey extension to side with dormers to front and rear, erection of porch to front and installation of rooflight to front. Permission granted.

22/04065/PLF Sandsfield Leisure Ltd. Installation of ground mounted solar PV array at land east of Dacre Lakeside Park, Starcarr Lane, Brandesburton. The Council support this application subject to a favourable flood risk assessment report. Permission granted.

23/01593/PLF 14 The Meadows Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5LX. Erection of single storey extension to front (amendment to previously approved) and single storey extension to rear.

Permission granted.

23-24/83              Correspondence: To consider and approve any actions relating to

  • ERYC:
    • Speed Survey results and Assessment for South Street – noted
    • Parish and Town Council Liaison and Communications – noted
    • Active Bystander Training – noted no training required
    • Enhanced Bus Partnership Event – Mrs Burrows is to attend the event
    • Town and Parish Council Event – Mrs Jones, Mrs Fearnall, Miss Richardson and C Ablett will each attend one of the four events.
    • Road Closures to be noted:
      • Hornsea Road, Leven (9 October 2023)
      • Starcarr Lane to South Street, Leven (22 September – 6 October 2023)
      • Main Street, Seaton (11 – 22 September 2023)
      • Mill Lane and Eastgate, Hornsea (9 – 13 October 2023)
  • Humberside Police:
    • Annual Police and Crime Survey – noted
    • Newsletter Article Request – noted
    • July and August monthly update report – noted
  • BHIB: Insurance providers change of name – noted
  • NALC:
    • Events – noted
    • Newsletter – noted
    • July and August Newsletters – noted
    • Arlingtonclose Ltd investment advice – noted
    • Local Election 2023 National Data Collection – noted the council will not complete the survey
    • Power to the People Energy Bill debate – noted
    • Consultation on Local Plans – noted
    • AGM – 15 September 2023 – noted, there will be no attendee at the AGM
  • J Smith – Parking Issues on Millers Rise, Leven – noted
  • L Scrowston – Church Grounds – noted Mrs Jones will investigate this issue and contact the resident

23-24/84              Financial matters and Governance to review and approve:

Budget Monitoring: The Budget Monitoring report was circulated prior to the meeting

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Ann Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of receiving the budget monitoring report.

A bank statement has been received dated 5 Aug 2023; the adjusted bank balance currently stands at £28,395.52 after the September 2023 payments.

C Farley undertook a secondary check of the clerk’s bank reconciliations in July 2023 when the

balance was £31,096.16.

Resolved: to note the bank balance

The following were due for payment in September 2023 along with the payments made and approved by the Chair and Vice Chair during August 2023 as per the delegated powers approved 4 July 2023 (23-24/66 refers).

ERNLCA – Good Cllr Guide to Employment (paid August 2023)£7.35
Phil’s Gardening Services Jubilee Garden Grass Cuts (paid August 2023)£90.00
August 2023 Salary Costs (paid August 2023)£655.44
Leven Council Mobile telephone top-up£10.00
Phil’s Gardening Services Jubilee Garden Grass Cuts£90.00
Kinetic Resources – Concrete base and installation of King’s Bench£348.00
September 2023 Salary Cost£744.75
HMRC Q2 PAYE£642.20

Resolved: Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made in September 2023 and retrospective approval of the payments made in August 2023.

Consider proposal for waste bin on South Street

Resolved: Not to purchase an additional waste bin near to the bus stop on South Street due to the impact it would have on those living close by.

Approval of Councillor Training

An email was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting detailing Councillor Training available from ERNLLCA.

Resolved: Councillors would wait to until after their Councillor Introduction training to decide what further training they require.

Policies and Governance Documents for review and approval

The following document were circulated to councillors for review prior to the meeting:

  • Financial regulations
  • Scheme of Delegation
  • Handling Complaints Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Financial Risk Assessment

Resolved: C Ablett proposed, Miss Richardson seconded, all agreed that the Financial Regulations, Scheme of Delegation, Handling Complaints Policy, Disciplinary Policy and the Financial Risk Assessment be approved.

23-24/85              To receive Councillor Representatives’ reports:

Recreation Hall: Mrs Burrows provided an update on the Recreation Hall.

Police: S Mathison advised that there was a gap in the fence along bridle path near Sharps Pond (23- 24/73 refers).

Youth Club: Mrs Jones gave an update on the Youth Club.

Playing Fields: Mrs Jones gave an update on the Playing Fields – there is to be a Planting Day on 16 September 2023.

23-24/86              General purpose matters

The clerk advised that progress had been made on the new Website; however time would be need to migrate data from the existing website to the new website. This could potentially be provided by GetExtra at an extra cost or by the new clerk, but additional time would need to be set aside for this.


  • Mrs Fearnall will provide the clerk a photo and position details of a pothole on South Parade.
  • Miss Richardson will provide the clerk a photo and position details of a pothole on High Stile.

Action: Clerk will report the potholes to ERYC once the detail have been received.

Daffodil Bulbs: The Clerk will contact ERYC to request the annual free daffodil bulbs to be planted in the village.

Leven Life: C Ablett is to contact Sam at Leven Life to see what can be done about its content, and to see if anything can be achieved to include more village related articles.

Metal Grid near the old Post: the metal grid is full of sediment the clerk is to contact ERYC.


  • Resignation of Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)

The resignation of the current Parish Clerk/RFO with effect from 17 September 2023 was noted.

  •        To approve the Clerk/RFO job description

The standard ERNLLCA Clerk/RFO job description was circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all agreed to approve the Clerk / RFO job description. However, there was no agreement on the number of hours the post should be advertised at or who would be the key contact for applicants. The newly appointed Personnel Subcommittee are to meet to discuss this so that a job advert can be promptly posted on ERNLLCA and ERYC’s websites in addition to Leven Parsh Council Website and Parish Council notice boards.

  •        To approve the interim Clerk/RFO arrangements

Miss Richardson advised that someone with previous clerking experience would be prepared to act as a Locum/Interim clerk until a replacement could be found.

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded. and all agreed the Miss Richardson should contact A Woodward and pass on the clerk’s contact details so that they could arrange a smooth handover.

  •       To approve the use of ERYC job vacancy website

Resolved: S Mathison proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all agreed to approve the use of ERYC job vacancy website to advertise the Clerk / RFO vacancy at a cost of £50 plus VAT.

23-24/86              Date of next meeting will be either held on 3 October 2023 7:15pm at the school.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.40pm.

Signature: ………………………………..            Date: ………………………………..

Initials: …….