Leven Parish Council

The Kingfishers, Main Street

Long Riston





A meeting of Leven Parish Council which will take place on Tuesday 5th March, at 7:15pm in Leven CE (VC) School.

PUBLIC FORUM Members of the public may make recommendations about matters to be discussed at the meeting or other items of public interest.


23-24/155 Apologies

23-24/156 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary

23-24/157 To receive the East Riding Ward Councillor Report and Police Report

23-24/158 To approve the minutes of the last meeting.

23-24/159 To receive and note the Clerk’s update report.

23-24/160 Action Tracker update

23-24/161 Emails and access to files – Clerk

23-24/162 Communications – Clerk

23-24/163 To note ERYC planning applications:

23-24/164 To note the following East Riding of Yorkshire planning decisions.

  • Display of 1 non-illuminated protecting sign to front elevation – 35 South Street ref. 23/02718/PAD

23-24/165 Correspondence

Web Correspondence – The Orchard damage to green area

Hart – request for support

23-24/166 Finance

  • To receive Budget Monitoring report Jan 24
  • To receive Bank reconciliation
  • To received details of January 2024 payments.
  • Salaries Clerk and Handyperson
    • Shredder – £36.99
    • ERYC – £36.12
    • Cllr Jones – £4.75
    • Scribe subscription – £14.40
    • Previous employee back pay
    • To approve February invoice payments

Salaries Clerk and Handyperson

ERYC Supplies – £22.27

ERYC Supplies – £9.00

Scribe Subscription – £14.40

Scribe – Year end Health Check – £58.80

Autela Payroll Services – £54.58

  • Contract renewal – Grass Cutting – Consider quotes and agree contractor 2024/2026

23/24 – 167 To consider and approve any training requirements.

22-24/168 To receive Councillor Representative update reports – verbal.

23-24/169 General purpose matters

  • D-Day Celebrations – June 2024   – Cllr. Mathison
  • Rewilding – Cllr Richardson
  • Notice boards – Cllr Richardson
  • Defibrillators

23-24/170 Date of next meeting Tuesday 2nd April 2024 at 7:15pm in the school

A Woodward

Clerk to Leven Parish Council