For Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 4 April 2023 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, R Jennings, S Mathison, K Maklin, S Nicholson, D Thorne, Mrs Fearnall, Miss Richardson, Mrs Burrows.

In attendance: Sally Woolfit, Councillor Gateshill, Councillor Stewart

23-24/1                 Apologies: Mrs Cooper

23-24/2                 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: K Macklin and Miss Richardson declared an interest in item 23-24/4 and did not take part in the discussions.

23-24/3                 Minutes of the last meeting: D Thorne proposed, Mrs Burrows seconded. S Mathison advised that 22-23/140 that it was Miss Richardson abstained and that Mrs Burrows seconded the proposal not the other way round.

23-24/4                 Leven Sports Hall: The chair welcomed Mr Hunt to the meeting. The questions that the parish council wanted answers to had already been sent to Mr Hunt prior to the meeting. An interesting discussion was held regarding the Sports Hall, Members Bar and the Nature Park. The councillors thanked Mr Hunt for attending. Mr Hunt left the meeting at 7:50pm.

23-24/5                 WasteLink: Little Catwick Quarry: – S Mathison proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow the residents to speak. The meeting closed at 7:51pm. The following points were raised:

  • No plans to be seen at the open event.
  • Mrs Burrows commented that there was an intricate plan showing what the proposal is.
  • One resident was concerned that any run-off would go into the dykes.
  • One resident advised that EMGT stated that the planning application would be submitted mid-summer. They also commented that food waste was to be brought from a 30-mile radius. That the whole of the site is a greenfield site. Also, that the quarry has planning until 2024 then the land must be reinstated back to agricultural land or a public amenity.
  • CAD was heavily involved last time however that is no longer in existence. SAD has now been set up by a group of residents and there is to be a meeting on 18 April in the Recreation Hall.
  • The meeting re-opened at 8:10pm.

23-24/6                 Clerk’s report:

Community Speed Watch: Cllr Fearnall and the clerk met with the police representative and have four sites around the village which are suitable and safe for the CWS campaign. Training is to be organised time / date and location not yet formally agreed.

Kings Coronation Grant: The Clerk’s £500 bid for a grant for a bench from the Kings Coronation fund has been approved by ERYC.

Tickton and Routh: The clerk has agreed with the Tickton and Routh Clerk to wait to see what the new Gas Beacons look like before applying for the Routh Windfarm grant.

23-24/7 HMRC – Direct Debit approval: HMRC requires businesses to pay PAYE electronically. The clerk would like to apply to set up a Direct Debit to make the council’s quarterly PAYE liability. A manual cheque payment is to be sent for 2022/23 Qtr4 with a manual payment slip. Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Nicholson seconded, and all were in favour.

23-24/8 Risk Registers: The 2022/23 Risk Register was circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting for review. R Jennings proposed, Mrs Burrows seconded and all in favour.

23-24/9                 Planning applications

22/03994/STPLF Land West of Glebe Farm Carr Lane Routh Carrs East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5LP: installation of new drainage system to re-align the drainage to run parallel with the cable (installed under consent of the Dogger Bank Creke Beck Offshore-Wind Farm Order 2015 and in accordance with application ref: 20/02638/STVAR) including installation of interceptors to junctions and new outfall system to drains in order to allow continued drainage of the land for agricultural purposes (Retrospective Application). No objections to the application. S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, all in favour.

23-24/10              Planning decisions

22/03918/PLF: Erection of first floor extension to create a self-contained flat above existing business at Leven Chippy, 5 West Street, Leven East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 5LE: granted

22/03535/PLF: Erection of single storey extension to rear of 4 Victoria Croft Leven, East Riding of Yorkshire, Hu17 5AB: granted

23-24/11              Correspondence

14 March 2023ERNLLCAOpen Spaces and Paths: A New Guide to Protection
14 March 2023ERYCCommunity Events Information
14 March 2023Humberside PoliceNew Neighbourhood Police Officer
16 March 2023ZurichCoronation Insurance
23 March 2023ERYCKings Coronation Applications
24 March 2023ERNLLCATraining Events
24 March 2023NALCBulletin

23-24/12              Treasurer’s report:

April Salaries £         655.64
HMRCQ4 2022/23 PAYE£         382.80
ERYCWinter Maintenance£         324.00
LexisNexisArnold Baker: Local Government Administration Book£         131.99
ERNLLCA2023/24 Affiliation Fees£         827.42
No Butts Bin Co LtdKings Coronation Bench£         635.76

Due to the HMRC year end processes the payroll provider had not processed the April 2023 payroll. Cheques for the April 2023 payroll will be drawn once the payment values are known. Mrs Fearnall proposed, S Nicholson seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

A bank reconciliation has been undertaken and the current bank balance as at 12th March 2023 was


23-24/13              Financial matters: Matters covered in other agenda items.

23-24/14              Representatives’ reports: There were no representative reports.

23-24/15              General purpose matters

  • Brick planter: All of the councillors agreed on the Hedgehogs signage. The clerk to obtain a price for this work.
  • Hanging baskets: S Mathison is to take the hanging baskets to Mr Peel for planting up.
  • Canal path: The drain to the right-hand side of the footpath before you get to Sandholme Lane bridge has been blocked by residents dumping garden waste into it. Clerk is to contact Mr Chudley, ERYC parish paths and ask him to come out and have a look.
  • Bus stop/shelter: Mrs Burrows and Mrs Fearnall are going to speak with Mr Ablett regarding putting a cantilever bus shelter adjacent to his property.
  • 17-19 East Street: The clerk is to contact Carly Jenson at ERYC asking for an update on the tidying up of the properties. Ongoing complaint.

The chair thanked the councillors for the commitment by the councillors over the last 4 years.

23-24/16              Date of next meeting will be either held at 7:15pm at the school on either Tuesday 9th May or Tuesday, 16th May 2023 depending on whether a parish election is to be held.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:45pm

Signature: ………………………………..            Date: ………………………………..

Initials: ……….