DRAFT Minutes of Leven parish council Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 3 May 2022 at 7:30pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings (Chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, K Macklin, Mrs Fearnall, Mrs Saunders, R Jennings, D Thorne, Miss Richardson, Councillor Gateshill,

Councillor Greenwood

22-23/1 Apologies: None 22-23/2 Election of Officers

Chair: S Nicholson proposed, D Thorne seconded, and all were in favour of Mrs Ellerington- Jennings being re-elected as chair.

Vice-chair: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of S Mathison being re-elected as vice-chair.

Finance Committee:

S Mathison (chair), K Macklin, D Thorne, Miss Richardson, R Jennings

22-23/3 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: D Thorne declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 22-23/10 and would not be taking part in the discussions or voting.

22-23/4 Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, R Jennings, Miss Richardson and Mrs Saunders abstained as they were not present at the April 2022 meeting.

22-23/5 Clerk’s report: All included on the agenda or in correspondence.

22-23/6 Planning applications

22/00913/CLE – Mr Luis Palmeira – Certificate of lawfulness for continued use of workshop as a self-contained dwelling at The Granary, Linley Hill Farm, Linley Hill Road, Leven – no comments made by the parish council. Decision is for the planning officer to make.

22/01136/PLF – Curtis Brook – Erection of two storey extension to side/rear extension, single storey extension to rear and porch to front at 27 Barley Gate, Leven – no objections

22-23/7 Planning decisions

22/00439/PLF – Mr Martyn Pottage – Erection of a two storey extension and re-location of existing dormer window to rear at 7 The Orchard, Leven, HU17 5QA – Granted 22/00556/PLF – Mr Chris Campbell – Erection of two storey extension to rear and increase in roof height of existing dwelling – AMENDED DESCRIPTION at 2 Nursery Walk, Leven – Granted

21/03322/STVAR – Peter Ward Homes – Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 19/03314/STPLF (Erection of 118 dwellings with associated access, parking, and infrastructure) to allow the change in House Type/increased number of bedrooms from 2 to 3 for Plots 15, 17, 18, 21, 94, 96, 101, 103, 104 and 106 at Land West of Garth House, 14 Hornsea Road, Leven – Granted

22-23/8 Correspondence

9 April 2022Rev. James Grainger-SmithParish Church
10 April 2022Mrs TennisonRouth Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund
11 April 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilRescheduled Village Taskforce Walkabout
13 April 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilBouncy Castles and Similar Inflatable Devices Safety
15 April 2022Rev. James Grainger-SmithDedication of Memorial Tree for those lost in the Pandemic
27 April 2022Holderness & Hornsea GazetteJubilee news/Gazette flyer
28 April 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilParish Council vacancy
27 April 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilRef.524 Temporary road closures

22-23/9 Treasurer’s report

3 May 2022Getextra£54.00Set up new email for Parish Council
3 May 2022Phil’s Gardening Services£90.00Grass cutting – Jubilee Garden
3 May 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt (RBLI)£154.99The Queen’s Green Canopy Plaque
3 May 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt (Ebay)£218.76Bows and ribbons for the lampposts
3 May 2022Mrs W L Haywood£75.00Internal Auditor fees
25 May 2022Zurich Municipal£864.64Insurance renewal
25 May 2022Mr A E Dawson May salary
25 May 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt May salary and expenses

S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Saunders seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made. The clerk advised that she was still waiting for the payslips to be sent through from Autela payroll. S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of the clerk making the payments on the 25 May 2022 once received.

22-23/10 Financial matters – donation request Leven Festival: A letter had been received from Leven Festival asking if the parish council would consider making a donation towards the cost of flags and banners for the festival which is to be held on 25 June 2022.

S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Saunders seconded, and all were in favour of a donation of £200.

22-23/11 HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: 2 June 2022 – 5 June 2022: The clerk asked if the Sports Hall would be lighting the beacon. K Macklin advised that there were not any plans to do so. K Macklin to ask if the parish council could light it instead. K Macklin to report back to the clerk.

22-23/12 Representatives reports:

Leven Sports Hall: K Macklin advised that the work had started on the new car park.

Police: Unknown persons have been going onto land on East Street late at night where horses are kept. Reasons for this are unknown.

22-23/13 General purpose matters:

Leven Pre-school: Miss Richardson reported that she is now the fund-raising officer for the Pre-School.

Road signs – Hornsea Road, Leven: The road signs are very faded and especially the one ‘on coming traffic’. The clerk will ask for them to be replaced.

West Street: The top of West Street is very congested at times with vehicles parked and vehicles unable to get through. This is to be brought up at the Village Taskforce Walkabout with ERYC officers on Friday, 20 May 2022.

Planter – Hornsea Road: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings and R Jennings have kindly offered to look after the planter.

Speeding traffic – High Stile: There is a problem again with speeding traffic on High Stile and Hornsea Road. Several cats have been knocked over which is distressing for the owners. The clerk is to ask the Police if they will carry out speed checks in the area.

22-23/14 Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 7 June 2022 at 7:15pm in the school As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:25pm.