DRAFT Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 3 January 2023 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, S Mathison, S Nicholson, R Jennings, Mrs Fearnall, Mrs Cooper, D Thorne, Miss Richardson, Mrs Burrows, Councillor Gateshill, Councillor Stewart

22-23/103      Confidential item – Members of the public will be excluded from the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed. The meeting opened at 7:26pm.

22-23/104      Apologies: K Macklin

22-23/105      Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None

22-23/106      Minutes of the last meeting: Mrs Burrows proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.

22-23/107      Clerk’s report:

The clerk had emailed the clerk at Tickton and Routh parish council to suggest that both parish councils apply for funding from the Routh Windfarm Community Fund to purchase a beacon each. Leven parish council were in favour of having a gas beacon for health and safety reasons. The clerk from Tickton parish council had discussed the matter with the councillors and they were going to look at at a gas beacon and a wood burning beacon. They had also received notification from Buckingham Palace advising that beacons were not going to be lit for King Charles 111 Coronation this year.

22-23/108      Planning applications

22/03918/PLF – Leven Chippy – Erection of a first-floor extension to create a self-contained flat above existing business at New Leven Chippy, 5 West Street, Leven – No objections to the application.

22-23/109      Planning decisions

22/03514/TCA – Mrs Carole Appleby – Leven Conservation Area – Fell no.1 Lime Tree due to included union in main stem and decaying cavities in primary limbs at Holy Trinity Church, South Street, Leven Approved

22/02589/PLF – Mr R Wirtz – Erection of single storey extension to the side/rear following removal of existing garage at 61 Barley Gate, Leven                               Approved

East Riding of Yorkshire Council matters:

Councillor Stewart enquired as to who maintains the bus shelter in the village. The clerk advised that it is the responsibility of the parish council.

Councillor Gateshill advised that planning were against the planning application for the new hanger at the airfield due to flooding issues.

30 November 2022 ERYC Volunteer for the parish council request December 2022 ERYC Help for Households 1 December 2022 SAAA.co.uk Notification of external auditor appointment 14 December 2022 ERYC ERYC CCTV Funding 15 December 2022 NHS Industrial Action 19 December 2022 ERYC Confirmation of the 2023/24 Tax Base    

Councillor Gateshill and Councillor Stewart left the meeting at 7:45pm. 22-23/110                          Correspondence

22-23/111      Treasurer’s report

3 January 2023Autela Payroll Services£66.27Payroll fees Q3
25 January 2023Sally Woolfitt£440.73January salary and expenses
25 January 2023Mr G Mitchell£291.93January salary – handyman

S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made. As the salary advices had not been received before the meeting, S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the cheques being signed before the payment date of 25 January.

22-23/112Financial matters: None
22-23/113Co-option of parish councillor: No one had responded to the vacancy notice.
22-23/114Representatives reports:

Youth Club: D Thorne advised that the Youth Club is going to be open on a Friday morning to provide a ‘warm space’ for anyone to go and have a warm drink and a piece of cake.

Leven Sports Hall: Miss Richardson is going to attend the next meeting of the Sports Hall Committee and will report back to the parish council.

22-23/115     General purpose matters:

Potholes in the roads: The clerk is to report the following potholes to East Riding of Yorkshire Council:

Adjacent to 62 South Street towards the bridge. Top of Linley Close

Junction at West Street and Westlands Way

Brandesburton Road at the boundary of Leven/Brandesburton

22-23/116     Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 7, February 2023 at 7:15pm in the School As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:20pm