Minutes of the Meeting of Leven Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th May 2024

Held at 7.15pm – Leven CE(VC) School

Present: Cllr. S. Mathison (chair), Cllr. L. Burrows (vicechair), Cllr. Ablett, Cllr. C. Farley, Cllr. A. Fernall, Cllr. Hood, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. I. Lamping, Cllr. J. Richardson, Cllr. D. Robins, Cllr. K. Roydhouse.

In attendance Ann Woodward (clerk), Cllr. P. Smith (ERYC)

One member of the public was present.

24-25/24 Apologies


24-25/25 Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Cllr. Mathison was the sole councillor nominated to be chair and was voted to be chair unanimously.

Cllr’s L. Burrow and J. Richardson were nominated as vice chair. Councillor Burrows was voted to be vice chair by 7 votes to 2.

24-25/26 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary

Cllrs. C. Ablett and I. Lamping declared a non-pecuniary interest for item 24-25/44. This was noted.

24-25/27 Election of chair of Finance Committee and Personnel Committee

As Vice chair Cllr. L. Burrows was re-elected as chair of the finance committee.  Cllrs. C. Ablett and A. Fearnall were nominated as chair of the Personnel Committee.  Cllr. A. Fearnall was voted to be chair by 5 votes to 3.


To receive the East Riding Ward Councillors Report

Regarding the proposed move to devolution and an elected mayor, councillors are to be given a ‘free’ vote.  Less then 2% of the population responded to consultation .  Cllr. Smith asked the view of Leven Parish Council it was agreed that the Parish Council does not support the devolution proposals feeling a further layer of bureaucracy was not needed.

24-25/29 Report from Humberside Police

There were no representatives from Humberside Police at the meeting.

24-25/30 To approve the minutes of the last meeting

Proposed by Cllr. L. Burrows and seconded by Cllr. J. Richardson the minutes were unanimously approved.

24-25/31 To receive feedback from the Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee had met prior to the main meeting to discuss the applications received for the vacant handyperson post.  The Committee recommended to the Parish Council a decision regarding shortlisting.  The clerk was asked to contact all candidates who had applied.

24-25/32 To receive and note the Clerk’s update report

The Internal Audit had been completed with a few minor suggestions for improvement.

The Council has received a response from Riston Parish Council re their decision regarding the re-siting of the public footpath in Catwick.  Riston Parish had agreed to SUPPORT the proposal.

The clerk is awaiting a further response from ERYC re the slurry leaching on the bridlepath leading from White Cross Roundabout. Environmental officers have visited the site, and they are discussing potential enforcement action with the PROW team.

The clerk is still awaiting a response from Albanwise regarding the funding of a defibrillator at Leven Canal.

Consultation is underway by the Boundary Commission regarding ward boundaries in the East Riding and the number of ward councillors – they are recommending the number of councillors remains 67

The Parish Council’s Grant application to ERYC for the D day celebrations was successful and £500 has been awarded.

The Walking for health initiative led by Cllr. Jones has successfully recruited a number of residents and there has been several enquires. A copy of the of the poster and is now on the website and Facebook

24-25/33 To consider progress against the Action Tracker

Noted and largely up to date.

24-25/34 To note and comment on East Riding of Yorkshire planning applications:

Conversion of dwelling to form two dwellings; erection of a single-story extension; demolition of link extension and associated works and infrastructure (regularisation application) 24/00716/PLF

The Parish Council considered the application and agreed to SUPPORT

25-25/35 To note East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning decisions

35a) Erection of a summerhouse to be used as an occasional outdoor classroom/shelter – Granted.

35b) Change of use of agricultural land to two dog exercise and training fields including construction of two vehicular parking areas and 1.94m high perimeter fencing  – Granted with conditions.


24-25/36 To note correspondence

A letter has been received from Holy Trinity Church thanking the Parish Council for financial support for the maintenance of the churchyard.

A letter has been received from the chair of the Secretary of the Recreational Hall seeking financial support for new smoke and fire detectors after a recent fire inspection. 

The Parish Council agreed to support this request with £200 from their Section 137 fund.

A web enquiry was received regarding the mess caused by the slurry heap on the bridleway near Whitecross.  This was forwarded to ERYC alongside the originally request made by the Parish Council and the resident updated.

Correspondence had been received regarding the boundary with the Sandwells development, drains and trees.

Cllr. A. Fearnall had discussed the matter with the person enquiring and hopes a representative of the developer will meet with the resident and her in the near future.

24-25/37 Budget monitoring and bank reconciliation to note and authorise

Budget monitoring report 1 to April 30th 2024 noted and reconciliation approved

24-25/38 April Payments actioned

ERNLLCA annual membership £846.64

Unity Trust Bank Service Charge £18

Handyperson Salary £436.10

Clerks Salary £694.30

Gas Beacon (Bullfinch) £594 (Grant funded to £500k via Routh Wind Farm Panel)

Hedging plants £196.10

Scribe Subscription £14.40

Donation to Holy Trinity Church for churchyard maintenance (section 137) £1000

HMRC PAYE – Quarter 4 2024 £983.08

24-25/39 May Payments to Authorise

Internal Auditor Fee £90

Grass Cutting Phils Gardening Services £90

Clerks Salary £694.10

Handypersons salary £436.10

Welsh Slate Water Features D-Day plaque £570

Welsh Slate Water Features D-Day Memorial £1250 (part funded by D-Day Grant ERYC £500)

These were authorised.

24-25/40 Receipts to note

Parish Precept April 2nd first part payment £9565.11


24-25/41 Internal Audit arrangements and AGAR

The Annual Accountability and Governance Report (AGAR) for 2023/24 was considered.  The certificate of exemption from a limited assurance review was considered and agreed and signed.

The AGAR was agreed alongside the internal auditor’s report and agreed and signed.

The documentation was approved for forwarding to the External Auditor PKF LittleJohn.

The parish approved the publication of the information   in line with the public rights requirements (Account and Audit Regulations).  A separate report from the internal auditor was also considered which contained a couple of areas for improvement, these were to consider placing the finance committee minutes on the website and a review of the level of reserves in 2024/25.

24-25/42 Insurance policy renewal quotes

Two quotes received for insurance one from Zurich Municipal (£383) and one from Clear Councils (£830).

It was agreed that the Parish Council would purchase the 20024/25 insurance from Zurich Municipal.

24-25/43 To agree councillor/ staff training and receive feedback from training undertaken  – None

24-25/44 Bus Stop – South Street to agree a way forward

The parish council considered the issues regarding the possible location of a bus shelter on the east side of South Street. The chair invited a member of the public to share his views.

Issues discussed were, the needs of vulnerable and frail bus users, the impact of a potential shelter on anti-social (ASB) at the locality and its impact on properties close the site and replacing the ‘pull in’ with a surface to host any potential shelter.

It was agreed to gather more information from ERYC on the user numbers for that bus stop and shelter design to prevent potential ASB.  Cllr. Smith from ERYC is asking questions re any potential funding.

24-25/45 To nominate a lead councillor for local pathways

It was agreed this was a good idea and had been done before. Cllr. I. Lamping was proposed by Cllr. C. Ablett and this was agreed unanimously.

24-25/46 To receive Councillor representatives update reports – Verbal

This included input from the secretary of the playing fields Committee – Mr. S Hunt.

Mr Hunt explained the priorities for the Playing field Committee.  This focused on capital works related to improvements to the car park.  A lot of work had been undertaken to access grant funding which was partly unsuccessful due to application technicalities. He reported that the Committee had good revenue income from the various users of the site. However, a crowd funding exercise was undertaken to help fund increased energy costs supported with marched funding.  There is a drive to increase hall hire and there has been some success with this.

The landlord tenant relationship regarding the club area has been challenging.  The Committee is supportive of joint working with the Parish Council.

Cllr. D. Robins reported that the scouts are looking for a piece of land to adopt and maintain.  They are interested in a square of land near Goosenook Lane. The clerk will find who owns this land and report back.

Cllr. G. Jones reported that the Youth Committee is well managed and all volunteers have DBS training. They are seeking a secretary.  The Youth Club have been recently banned from using the land at the school.  Lease discussions are ongoing with the school and ERYC.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would write a letter of appreciation for the successful easter egg hunt provided by the committee.

24-25/47 General Purpose Matters:

  1. Defribillators – Leven Canal and Recreational Hall

Nothing new to report

  • D-day Celebrations

Cllr. S. Mathison reported that he had managed to invite 3 ex servicemen to the event .  Cllr. J. Richardson has secured the services of a bugler.  Cllr. F. Hood agreed to develop a poster about the event.  Cllr. C. Farley would discuss with hospitality venues in the village promoting Fish and Chip Day (which coincides with the anniversary) on the day of the event.  The delivery dates of the beacon and monolith are being chased by the clerk.

  • Logo

The Council considered the draft logo developed by Cllr. F. Hood and all agreed it works well and will be adopted. Cllr. F. Hood was thanked for his work on the design

  • Conservation Volunteers

Cllrs. F. Hood and I. Lamping had met with a representative of the Conservation Volunteers with a view to support being provided to improve the footpath between the New Inn and the Canal . The representative is going to report back regarding any support that can be provided.  It was agreed that the Clerk would ask the ERYC tree team to look at the state of the large Ash Tree on the pathway.

  • Sponsors  – Love Leven

The take up of the sponsorship drive was discussed

24-25/48 Date of next meeting Tuesday 4th June 2024, at 7.15pm  Leven School.  

A Woodward

Clerk to Leven Parish Council

——————————————————————————– Chair of the Parish Council