Agenda – Meeting on Tuesday 2nd July 2024 7.15pm at Leven School

24-25/71 Questions from any members of the public present – 10 minutes

24-25/72 Apologies for absence

24-25/73 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non pecuniary

24-25/74 RWE presentation – Peartree solar farm

24-25/75 To approve the minutes of the last meeting

24-25/76 To receive the report of the East Riding Ward Councillor

24-25/77 To receive a report from Humberside Police

24-25/78 To receive the Clerk’s update report

  • 78/1 Grants and donations policy for approval
  • 78/2 Communications policy for approval
  • 78/3 GDPR policy for approval
  • 78/4 Complaints policy for approval

24-25/79 To consider progress against the action tracker

24-25/80 To note/comment upon East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning applications

24-25/81 To note East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning decisions

24-25/82 To note correspondence

  • 82/1 East Riding of Yorkshire Council – White Ribbon Accreditation

24-25/83 Budget Monitoring and bank reconciliation to note and authorise

24-25/84 June payments actioned

24-25/85 July payments to authorise

24-25/86 Receipts to note

24-25/87 To agree training and receive feedback from training undertaken

24-25/88 To receive representatives update reports -verbal

24-25/89 General Purpose Matters

89/1Time capsule / flag pole – Cllr. Richardson

89/2 Commuted Sums – Clerk

89/3 Canal footpath – Cllr. Hood

89/4 Defibrillators

89/5 Sandholme Lane Cllr. Hood

89/6 Levenlife Cllr. Burrows

24-25/90 Date and time of the next meeting

Ann Woodward – Clerk