Leven Parish Council, c/o Hawthorne Cottage, West Street, Leven HU17 5LF

07752 161326

A meeting of Leven parish council which will take place on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 7:15pm in Leven CE (VC) School.

PUBLIC FORUM Members of the public may make recommendations about matters to be discussed at the meeting or other items of public interest.


23-24/70              Apologies
23-24/71              Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
23-24/72              To approve the minutes of the last meeting
23-24/73              To receive the East Riding Ward Councillor Report
23-24/74              To approve appointments to the Finance Sub Committee
23-24/75              To approve Appointments to the Personnel Sub Committee
23/24/76              To approve the Personnel Sub Committee Terms of Reference
23-24/77              Motion Proposed by Councillors

  • Cllr Mathison and Cllr Ellerington-Jennings proposes that the council considers a response to Albanwise correspondence about access to Leven Canal via Linley

23-24/78              To receive and note Clerk’s update report:

  • Bank Mandate – to note progress
  • Kings Coronation Bench – to note installation and grant claim.
  • Whole Council Training – to note change of date to 30 October 2023
  • 17 and 19 East Street Leven – to note Section 215 Notice
  • Weeds on the kerbs – to note that ERYC to spray the weeds
  • Police Attendance at Parish Council Meetings – to note that PC Seed will attend future meeting if they are on duty
  • Tree Maintenance Main Road from Routh – to note that ERYC will be including this in their arboriculture works programme
  • Gas Beacon – to note the current progress on a joint bid for Routh Wind farm funding

23-24/79              To consider memorial bench on South Street
23-24/80              Consideration and approval of response to ERYC Community Governance Review
23-24/81              To note ERYC planning applications:

  • 23/02293/TCA Centreville 15 East Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NG. Leven Conservation Area – Crown reduction of 1 NO. Sycamore tree (T1) by up to 3 metres on western side of the tree to allow more clearance to the property.

23-24/82              To note the following East Riding of Yorkshire planning decisions

  • 23/01657/TCA 3 East Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NG Applicant. Proposal: Leven Conservation Area – Pollard 1no Yew tree (T1) to height of 2.4m – 3m in line with neighbour’s gutter Location: Permission granted.
  • 23/01437/PLF 47 South Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NY. Erection of single storey extension to side/rear following removal of existing conservatory, and installation of front bay windows to replace existing bay windows. Permission granted.
  • 23/01346/PLF 54 Westlands Way Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5LG. Erection of two storey extension to side with dormers to front and rear, erection of porch to front and installation of rooflight to front. Permission granted.
  • 22/04065/PLF Sandsfield Leisure Ltd. Installation of ground mounted solar PV array at land east of Dacre Lakeside Park, Starcarr Lane, Brandesburton. The Council support this application subject to a favourable flood risk assessment report. Permission granted.
  • 23/01593/PLF 14 The Meadows Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5LX. Erection of single storey extension to front (amendment to previously approved) and single storey extension to rear. Permission granted.

23-24/83              To note correspondence

  • ERYC:
    • Speed Survey results and Assessment for South Street – to be notedParish and Town Council Liaison and Communications – to be notedActive Bystander Training – to consider and approve any trainingEnhanced Bus Partnership Event – consider and approve attendanceTown and Parish Council Event – consider and approve attendance
    • Road Closures to be noted:
      • Hornsea Road, Leven (9 October 2023)
      • Starcarr Lane to South Street, Leven (22 September – 6 October 2023)
      • Main Street, Seaton (11 – 22 September 2023)
      • Mill Lane and Eastgate, Hornsea (9 – 13 October 2023)
  • Humberside Police:
    • Annual Police and Crime Survey – to be noted
    • Newsletter Article Request – to be noted
    • July and August monthly update report – to be noted
  • BHIB: Change of name – to be noted
  • NALC:
    • Events – to be noted
    • Newsletter – to be noted
    • July and August Newsletters – to be noted
    • Arlingtonclose Ltd investment advice – to be noted
    • Local Election 2023 National Data Collection – consider taking part
    • Power to the People Energy Bill debate – to be noted
    • Consultation on Local Plans – to be noted
    • AGM – 15 September 2023 – to consider attending
  • J Smith – Parking Issues on Millers Rise, Leven – to be noted
  • L Scrowston – Church Grounds – to be noted

23-24/84              Financial matters and Governance review and approve:

  • To receive Budget Monitoring report
  • To received details of August 2023 payments and approve September 2023 payments.
  • To consider the purchase and funding of a waste bin South Street
  • To consider and approve any additional Councillor training
  • To review and approve the following policies:
    • Financial regulations Scheme of Delegation Handling Complaints Policy Disciplinary Policy
    • Financial Risk Assessment

22-24/85              To receive Councillor Representative update reports
23-24/86              General purpose matters
23-24/87              Resignation of Clerk:

  • To note the resignation of the current clerk
  • To approve the Clerk/RFO job description
  • To approve interim Clerk/RFO arrangements
  • To approve the use of ERYC job vacancy website

23-24/88              Date of next meeting 3 October 2023 at 7:15pm in the school

D Dye
Clerk to Leven parish council