Leven Parish Council, Hawthorne Cottage, West Street, Leven HU17 5LF

01964 503970

A meeting of Leven parish council which will take place on Tuesday, 4 April 2023 at 7:15pm in Leven CE (VC) School.


23-24/1           Apologies
23-24/2           Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
23-24/3           Minutes of the last meeting
23-24/4           Leven Sports Hall
23-24/5           Linkwaste – Little Catwick Quarry
23-24/6           Clerk’s report
23-24/7           HMRC – Direct Debit approval
23-24/8           Risk Registers
23-24/9           Planning applications
23-24/10         Planning decisions
23-24/11         Correspondence
23-24/12         Treasurer’s report
23-24/13         Financial matters
23-24/14         Representatives report
23-24/15         General purpose matters
23-24/16         Date of next meeting – Tuesday, May 2023 at 7:15pm in the school

D Dye
Clerk to Leven parish council

22/03994/STPLF Land West of Glebe Farm Carr Lane Routh Carrs East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5LP