Minutes of the Meeting of Leven Parish Council held on Monday 8th April 2024 Held at 7.15pm – Leven CE(VC) School

Present: Cllr. S. Mathison (chair), Cllr. L. Burrows (vicechair), Cllr. C. Farley, Cllr. A. Fernall, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. I. Lamping, Cllr. J. Richardson, Cllr. D. Robins, Cllr. K. Roydhouse.

In attendance Ann Woodward (clerk) No members of the public present

24-25/1 Apologies

Cllr. C Ablett. Cllr. F. Hood

24-25/2 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary

Non relevant to this meeting

24-25/3 Introduction Sam Rogerson, Leven Life

Did not attend.

24-25/4 Handyperson update

The handyperson has sadly had to resign for personal reasons. A job description and advert were agreed. The parish councillors wished to thank GM for his hard work and wished him well for the future.

24-25/5 Ward Councillor Report

Cllr. Smith was unable to attend due to work commitments but updated the clerk on several issues.

24-25/6 Report from Humberside Police

No police officers attended.

24-25/7 To approve the minutes of the last meeting

Proposed by Cllr. Richardson and seconded by Cllr. Burrows, the minutes were approved.

24-25/8 To receive feedback from the Finance Committee

Cllr. L. Burrows, chair of the finance committee, reported that at their meeting they discussed the setting of the 2024/25 budget. This included the creation of reserves and increases in some cost codes to reflect inflation and changed staff costs.

The Finance Committee after the resignation of Cllr. Jennings needs an additional member, and it was agreed that Cllr. K. Roydhouse would be appointed to the committee.

The clerk had reported on the appointment of an internal auditor for the 2024/25 audit .

24-25/9 To receive and note the Clerk’s update report

The clerk updated the council on progress regarding the year-end accounting and audit.

A visit had been made to Get Extra to progress the setting up of ‘council email addresses’ for all councillors.

The placing of a second bin on West Street next to Budgens was delayed and will be progressed in the coming week.

The clerk has ordered a gas beacon for the D-day celebrations funded in full by a grant from the Routh Windfarm Panel.

Still to organise: a village walk with the Ward Councillor and a visit from Jon Traill re rewilding.

The chair had asked the clerk to consider a Parish logo for correspondence etc. This will be added to the agenda in May for further discussion.

The clerk reminded parish councillors that the AGM would take place prior to the start of the May meeting.

24-25/10 Action Tracker update

Councillors considered progress against the action tracker. It was noted that ERYC have yet to take action to improve the Public Right of Way alongside the Leven Canal and the clerk was asked to chase this. This should include an assessment by the ERYC tree team of a large tree which blocks the pathway. Cllr. Fearnall is unable to attend the DP for councillors training. Cllr. Richardson agreed she would try and attend.

24-25/11 To note and comment on East Riding of Yorkshire planning applications:

11/a Proposed Concurrent Public Path Creation and Extinguishment Orders in the parishes of Catwick and Leven.

After consideration of the changes being proposed to the footpath, it was agreed to strongly object to the change being made. It was noted that after walking the current path, councillors found rubble in places obstructing access. It was noted after councillors walked the proposed route that there are active badger setts in the immediate vicinity of the proposed route and that a bridge on the proposed route is weak and crumbling. The Parish Council is aware that Catwick Parish Council are opposed to the changes which is used currently by walkers and horse riders; with this in mind it was felt the proposed route takes users away from the access point for the original route and

therefore will impact on users wishing to link up with other footpaths.

11/b Erection of a summerhouse to be used as an occasional outdoor classroom /shelter – Leven CE VC School, South Street 24/00308/1PLF

This application was supported.

25-25/12 To note East Riding of Yorkshire Council planning decisions

Installation of solar panels to front and rear slopes of roof (retrospective) Charters Butchers & Deli, South Street 23/03521/PLF

ERYC has refused planning permission, due to conservation area issues.

24-25/13 To note correspondence

13a Mr MH – Concerns re mini roundabout on High Stile

The clerk has contacted ERYC traffic management with the concerns being raised in the village regarding this junction and informed Mr MH.

13b Correspondence from the Church Warden

A letter has been received asking for support for the costs the church incur to keep the churchyard tidy and presentable. It was agreed that a grant of £1k from the councils’ section 137 budget would be given to the church to enable them to keep the churchyard attractive for the local community. Proposed by Cllr. A. Fearnall and seconded by Cllr. C. Farley.

24-25/14 Budget monitoring and bank reconciliation to note and authorise

Budget monitoring report 12 to March 31st 2024 noted and reconciliation approved

24-25/15 March Payments actioned

Autela Payroll – £19.15

ERYC winter maintenance visits /saltbins £176.40 Npower festive lights £3.42

Stamps £12

Hart donation £100

Salaries, Clerk and Handyperson

ERNLLCA Councillor data protection training (Cllr. Fearnall) £24

24-25/16 April Payments to Authorise

ERNLLCA annual membership £846.64 Unity Trust Bank Service Charge £18

These were authorised.

24-25/17 Receipts to note

ERYC (Routh Windfarm Panel) £495 Grant for D-day BEACON

24-25/18 Internal Audit arrangements and AGAR

The clerk has identified an internal auditor, and this will be a cost of £90 to the Parish Council. The AGAR is in the process of completion and will be on the May agenda for approval.

25-25/19 To agree the 2024/25 Budget

On the recommendation of the finance committee the 2024/25 budget was agreed.

24-25/20 To agree councillor/ staff training and receive feedback from training undertaken

The clerk has untaken training from the Cabinet office – regarding .Gov.Uk Domain adoption. It was noted that the move to .gov.uk is not mandatory and is costly so no further action will be taken.

24-25/21 To receive Councillor Representative update reports – verbal

Cllr. G. Jones reported that she had attended the Youth Group AGM. She confirmed that the group has charitable status and is well run. Volunteers have simple DBS accreditation to enable them to supervise the young people. A grant has been secured to provide toilet /washing facilities.

Sports hall – Cllr. G. Jones reported that the police had observed CCTV coverage of young people ASB outside the hall. Due to the poor quality of the coverage the people involved could not be identified. This can be raised at the AGM this week. It was agreed to invite a Playing Field Committee representative to a future meeting for an update on the future plans for sports hall, the Clerk would contact the secretary.

Cllr. D. Robbins was disappointed that the scouts were unable to be involved in planting the new hedge. She explained that any involvement of the scouts in community projects needs more notice as it involves planning.

24-25/22 General purpose matters

Walking to Health

Cllr. G. Jones reported that posters had been placed across the Parish to encourage residents to come along to the introductory coffee morning on 12th April at the sports hall. The poster is also on the website and Facebook.

Defibrillators – Recreation Hall and Leven Canal

The clerk reported that a response from Albanwise – Environment was still pending on the provision of a defibrillator at Leven Canal. Cllr. L. Burrows will approach a business in Leven re funding for a further machine at the recreational hall.

D-day celebrations

Cllr. S. Mathison reported that the new hedge had been largely planted but that there was additional work to be completed. It was agreed that a large stone would be sourced to mount a plaque in the area to commemorate the D-day landing. The clerk reported that the gas beacon had been ordered.


It was agreed that the noticeboard on East Street will be repaired and not replaced.

Sponsors – Love Leven

Letters and emails had been sent to prospective local sponsors. Several have already responded positively. It was noted that Mr and Mrs Ellerington- Jennings have offered to plant up the planter in East Street.

South Street mud on road

It was reported that there was a lot of mud on the road next the field containing horses at the south end of South Street. The clerk would write to the landowner.

Slurry leaching on public pathway close the Whitecross roundabout

The mess from the slurry leaching was noted. This has previously been reported to ERYC and the clerk will chase.

Easter Egg Hunt

Councillors agreed that this event at the nature park was a success and very well organised and attended.

Bus Shelter South Street (southbound)

The Council will explore with ERYC the potential for the provision of a shelter at this well-used bus stop.

24-25/23 Date of next meeting Tuesday 7th May 2024, at Leven School. The Parish Council AGM will start at

7.15pm followed by the normal monthly meeting.

A Woodward

Clerk to Leven Parish Council

Chair of the Parish Council