Draft Minutes of Leven Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 7:15pm in the school

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, S Mathison, S Nicholson, Mrs Fearnall, R Jennings, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Cooper, K Macklin, D Thorne, Councillor Stewart

22-23/73 Apologies: Miss Richardson

Councillor resignation: The clerk has received an email from Councillor Nicola Saunders resigning due to work commitments. The clerk will advise ERYC accordingly.

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: The clerk read out a letter to the parish councillors giving 3 months’ notice advising that she is retiring from the parish council on 31st January 2023. The job advertisement will be drafted and circulated to the councillors and placed in the noticeboard and on the parish council website.

Councillor Stewart: Councillor Stewart briefly attended the parish council meeting to introduce herself to the parish councillors. As Councillor Stewart was attending the Lund parish council meeting, she left at 7:20pm.

22-23/74 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None

22-23/75 Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the minutes being signed as a true record. K Macklin abstained as he was not present at the October meeting.

22-23/76 Clerk’s report: All items to be covered in the agenda

22-23/77  Planning applications

22/03269/STPLF – Rolson Larkham – Change of use of land for the siting of 71 caravans with associated access, on site roads, drainage, and infrastructure as an extension to High Farm Country Park at Land South of High Farm, Main Road, Routh – Leven parish council strongly objects to the application for the following reasons:

Over-development of the site.

Puts increased pressure on the local services – Doctors in Leven. Spoils the character of the area.

The access and egress arrangements are not suitable for the additional traffic movements. The traffic assessment is flawed as it is one previously prepared for Heron Lakes and is from 2018. Leven parish council fully supports Highways previous objections which state – The A1035 (Main Road) is part of East Riding of Yorkshire Councils strategic highway network and is one of its busiest roads. It has been identified by the Department for Transport (DfT) as a probable route for inclusion in the national Major Roads Network as it is recognised as a key strategic asset at the next level down from their Strategic Road Network. It has a 50mph speed limit adjacent to the access to the site. As part of the duty under the Traffic Management Act the Traffic Manager of the Highway Authority has a duty

to protect the strategic highway to ensure the efficient, safe, reliable, and predictable movement of traffic which is crucial to supporting economic activity in the East Riding. To this end, in principle, the Highway Authority discourages the installation of new accesses onto the strategic highway network and any proposals that significantly increase the number of vehicle movements on existing accesses. Such movements have the potential to interrupt the safe and free flow of traffic on a high-speed Primary Route and may create potential hazards to other road users to the detriment of highway safety

22/03514/TCA | LEVEN CONSERVATION AREA – Fell 1 no. Lime tree (T1) due to included union in main stem and decaying cavities in primary limbs at Holy Trinity Church,

South Street, Leven – The parish council supports the tree officer’s recommendations.

22-23/78 Planning decisions: None

22-23/79  Correspondence:

October 2022ERYCYOUR MON£Y – Support and Advice
 Humberside PoliceParish/Town News Release
11 October 2022ERYCCost of Living Support Measures
12 October 2022ERYCERYC CCTV Funding
13 October 2022ERYCSycamore Tree – East Park
14 October 2022ERYCAnnual Snapshot of Rough Sleepers 2022
19 October 2022ERYCYoung People’s Photography Competition 2022
20 October 2022ERYCPass Wide and Slow signs
 ERYCAvian Influenza outbreak near Beswick
23 October 2022ERYCHelp and support for households
24 October 2022Humberside PoliceCommunity Speed Watch
 ERYCRural England Prosperity Fund
25 October 2022ERYCCouncil supports Safe Places and ask for ANI initiatives
 ERYCFinal opportunity for residents to have their final say on the Proposed Submission East Riding Local Plan Update
 ERYCASB Team advice re Halloween and Bonfire Night
 Humberside PoliceCommunity Speed Watch traffic surveys
1 November 2022Mr F HoodSandholme Park Residents Association

22-23/80 Treasurer’s report:

1 November 2022GetExtra£343.20Website and email hosting fee 2022-23
 Mrs F Cooper£95.00Bulbs for 12 planters
25 November 2022Mrs S L Woolfitt£406.00November salary and expenses
 Mr G K Mitchell£303.33Handyperson salary

R Jennings proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

22-23/81 Financial matters: None

22-23/82 Proposed Submission East Riding Local Plan Update: Included in the correspondence

22-23/83 Christmas Tree lights switch on: The Scouts had been in contact with the clerk to ask what date the lights would be switched on. All agreed that the switch on should take place on Sunday, 4 December 2022 starting at 4:00pm with the lights being switched on at 4:30pm. The Scouts will be serving refreshments with all donations going to the Scout fund.

22-23/84 Representatives reports:

Family Festival: D Thorne advised that the main committee are stepping down from the Family Festival and unless anyone else is willing to take it over the festival will not take place next year. Leaflets have been posted through all of the doors in Leven, so the residents are aware of this. The money left after all the expenses had been paid was given to Leven Scouts £1000, Leven Preschool £1000, Holy Trinity Church £100. The Parish Council would like to thank the Festival Committee for all of their hard work over the years for organising the event.

22-23/85 General purpose matters:

Beverley Road, Leven – The 30mph sign is faded. The clerk to report it to ERYC.

22-23/86 Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 7:15pm in the School Finance committee will meet at 6:30pm to discuss the precept and budget for 2023/2024

Finance Committee:

Councillor Mathison Chair Councillor Macklin Councillor Richardson Councillor Thorne

As Councillor Saunders has resigned Councillor Fearnall proposed, Councillor Nicholson seconded, and all were in favour of Councillor Burrows being on the Finance Committee

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:05pm