For Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 16 May 2023 at 7:30pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, R Jennings, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Fearnall, Mrs Jones, Miss Richardson

In attendance: D Dye (Clerk), two residents, Cllr P Smith (8:27 to 8:45pm)

23-24/19              Election of Chair for the Council: Mrs Ellerington-Jones was nominated by Mrs Fearnall and seconded by Miss Richardson, and all were in favour of Mrs Ellerington-Jones being re- elected as chair.

3-24/20Declaration of acceptance of Office: The Chairman and councillors each signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office that was witnessed by the Clerk.

Register of Councillors Interest: Councillors returned completed Register of Members Interests forms.

An extension of time to receive Declarations of Acceptance of Office from nominated persons not present

was nominated by Mrs Fearnall and seconded by R Jennings and all were in favour.

23-24/21              Election of Vice Chair for the Council: Mrs Burrows was nominated by R Jennings, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of Mrs Burrows being elected as vice chair.

23/24-22              Co-option: Due to the recent uncontested election the council are allowed to co-op to the four vacant positions. One resident had submitted an expression of interest in becoming a parish councillor, details of which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mrs Fearnall proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all agreed that the Mr Mathison’s expression of interest be accepted, and that the council co-opt Mr Mathison as a councillor.

As the signed declaration of Acceptance of Office had not been signed by Mr Mathison, he observed the meeting.

23-24/23              Appointment of Finance Sub Committee members: due to the number of vacancies currently on the council the appointment of members to the Finance Committee was postponed until the July 2023 meeting so that any new co-opted councillors could be considered. The Vice Chair Mrs Burrows will be the Chair of the Finance Committee, Miss Richardson proposed, seconded by R Jennings and all were in favour of postponing the appointment of the Finance Sub Committee until the July meeting.

23-24/24               Finance Sub Committee Terms of Reference: A copy of the Finance Sub Committee Terms of Reference had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Finance Sub Committee will have four members Mrs Fearnall proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of approving the Terms of Reference of the Finance Sub Committee with four members.

23-24/25              Appointment of representatives of the council to other bodies: members were appointed to represent the following groups:

  • Youth Club: Mrs Jones was proposed by Mrs Fearnall, seconded by Mrs Burrows, and all were in favour.
  • Sports Hall Representative: Miss Richardson was proposed by R Jennings, seconded by Mrs Burrows, and all were in favour.
  • Police Liaison: S Mathison was proposed by Mrs Burrows, seconded by Mrs Jones, and all were in favour.
  • Scout Representative: R Jennings was proposed by Miss Richardson, seconded by Mrs Fearnall, and all were in favour.
  • Parish Paths Representative: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings was proposed by Miss Richardson, seconded by Mrs Jones, and all were in favour.
  • Leven Recreation Hall: Mrs Burrows was proposed by R Jennings, seconded by Mrs Fearnall, and all were in favour.

23-24/26              Apologies: F Hood

R Jennings proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow a resident to speak about the potential placement of bus shelter on South Street. The meeting closed at 7:49pm.

The resident informed the members of their concerns about the location of the proposed bus shelter on South Street and the impact this would have on nearby residents.

It was suggested that consideration be given to the placement of a bin next to the bus stop. The clerk is to investigate this possibility.

The meeting was re-opened at 8.02pm

23-24/27              Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: Miss Richardson declared an interest in agenda item 23-24/31 – 23/00866/PLF and took no part in the discussion of this item.

23-24/28              Minutes of the last meeting: Miss Richardson proposed, R Jennings seconded, and all agreed that the minutes accurately reflected the meeting.

23-24/29              Clerk’s Report:

  • Community Speed Watch: Training for CSW volunteers will be at 7pm on 18 May 2023 at the school. A co-ordinator from the volunteers will need to be agreed. Mrs Burrows, Mrs Jones, and Mrs Fearnall will also attend the training.
  • Drain near Canal: This has been passed on to Andrew Chudley at ERYC who has passed this on to Street Scene Enforcement. It would appear that this has not yet been dealt with; the clerk will chase this up.
  • Faded Road Marking: The clerk has received correspondence from ERYC to stating that a survey had recently been undertaken at all school locations within the East Riding of Yorkshire, with the aim of improving road safety around schools. However budget restraints and recent changes to ERYC policy meant that the council they no longer install or refresh the red high friction surfacing.
  • 17 and 19 East Street: Due to staffing changes in the Planning Enforcement Team delays have been experienced in enforcing Section 125 notices. It was suggested that this would be completed early May. Several residents have been in contact with members and action due to be undertaken during the summer of 2022 had not happened; the clerk is to follow up with what action has been taken.
  • Kings Coronation Grant: The bench for the Kings Coronation has recently been delivered. The bench is to replace the bench at Little Leven which is in a poor state of repair. The clerk will be submitting the bench invoice to support the ERYC Kings Coronation grant. Mrs Jones is to explore getting a plaque for the bench to commemorate the King’s Coronation. Quotes are to be obtained for a concrete base for the bench to sit on.
  • HMRC DD: HMRC have confirmed that a DD has been set up for future payments of PAYE.
  • Defibrillator: The replacement batteries have recently been received.

23-24/30              NatWest: A review of the signatories to Natwest Bank were undertaken due to the recent changes in the council. It was proposed Mrs Ellerington- Jennings, Mrs Burrows, S Mathison and D Dye were to be the bank signatories. In addition, once the bank mandate has been changed the clerk is to apply for on-line banking.

The Parish Clerk is to arrange the changing of the bank signatories and apply for on-line banking in due course R Jennings proposed, Miss Richardson seconded, and all agreed.

Cllr Paul Smith arrived at 8:27pm to introduce himself to the Parish Council and explained that he would be attending future meetings. The Chair thanked Cllr Smith for attending and introducing himself. Cllr Smith left the meeting at 8:45pm

23-24/31              Planning Applications

  • 23/00866/PLF Leven Playing Fields Association North Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NF: Installation of 7 street light columns with luminaires and 14 illuminated bollards. No objections to the application; Mrs Fearnall proposed, R Jennings seconded, all in favour.
  • 23/01019/PLF 61 Barley Gate Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NT: Erection of single storey extension to rear (revised scheme to 22/02589/PLF). No objections to the application; Mrs Jones proposed, Mrs Burrows seconded, all in favour.

23-24/32              Planning decisions

  • 23/00614/TCA South Street Amenity Land 3 South Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire: felling of 5 sycamore trees (T1 –T5) and elder trees within hedgerow. Application withdrawn.
  • 23/00638/TELCOM Telecommunications Mast Hum 117 Beverley Road Leven East Riding of Yorkshire: installation of a replacement headframe with 3 additional antennas (increasing height of existing 27m lattice high tower to 28m) and ancillary development thereto including relocation of existing antennas, installation of GPS node, installation of a new cabinet and 2m high gantry support pole on existing concrete base with associated equipment. Application granted.

23-24/33              Correspondence

5 April 2023ERYCLocal Plan Submitted 31 March 2023
8 April & 6 May 23Humberside PoliceMarch Statistics
11 April 2023ERYCCoronation Street Parties
12 April 2023F ClarkBridleway rubbish
14 & 19 April 2023ERYCAvian Flu
14 & 21 April & 5 May 2023NALCBulletin
18 April 2023ERNLLCANewsletter and training diary
23 April – 5 May 2023Leven School PTAGarage Sale signs – Jubilee Gardens
5 & 12 May 2023ERNLLCACllr Networking – Barton 25 May 2023
9 May 2023ERNLLCAGood Councillors Guide to Employment 2023
9 May 2023ERYCHealth & Well Being Survey
11 May 2023ERYCTemporary Road Closure New Road Brandesburton (25/5)
15 May 2023AlbanwiseLeven Carrs Landscape & Recovery Pilot Project

The Clerk is to invite S Aitken form Albanwise Environment Ltd to advise about their project at Hall Farm and the Leven Carrs Landscape Recovery Pilot Project.

23-24/34              Training: The clerk has contacted three other Parish Councils to see if a joint training session can be arranged with ERNLLCA who charge £400 + VAT for Councillor training (up to 25 attendees). If this cannot be arranged councillors will have other opportunities to undertake training either via Zoom or in person at the ERNLLCA’s offices in Barton.

The clerk has also posted several Good Councillor Guides on the council website for members to use.

23-24/35              Financial matters and Governance to review and approve:

Insurance provider: two quotes have been obtained (details circulated prior to meeting). BHIB

£746.08 / Zurich £937.75. The council are to insure with BHIB for 2023/24; Miss Richardson proposed, Mrs Jones seconded, and all were in favour on accepting the BHIB insurance quote for 2023.24.

Telephone: Three quotes were obtained for a basic mobile for the clerk to be used for council business, all three quotes came in at a cost of £25.00 for a basic Nokia telephone (which includes

£10 top-up) and £10 per month PAYG or £7.50 per month on a monthly contract for 1 year. The clerk is to also review Asda’s mobile phone charges. The Clerk is to arrange for a mobile to be used purely for Council telephone calls and texts; Mrs Fearnall proposed, Mrs Jones seconded, and all were in favour of the clerk organising a mobile telephone for council business.

Budget Monitoring: The Budget Monitoring report was circulated prior to the meeting and the following were due for payments were during May 2023.

 May 2023 Salary Costs£655.44
ClerkReimbursement for stamps/ink/paper/sweeping brush£54.48
Phils Gardening Services  Grass Cutting – Jubilee Gardens  £90.00
S SvensonInternal Audit Fees£90.00

Mrs Jones proposed, Mrs Fearnall seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

It was noted that the following income had been received:

21 April 2023ERYCKing’s Coronation Grant£500.00
28 April 2023ERYCPrecept payment£9080.00

The Clerk is to meet with Mrs Burrows the chair of the Finance Committee to discuss the current budget allocations.

A bank reconciliation has been undertaken and the current bank balance as at 5 May 2023 was

£34,990.01. A member from the Finance Sub Committee will be appointed to undertake regular second checks of all bank reconciliations.

22-23/36              Representatives’ reports: There were no representative reports.

22-23/37              Co-option of Councillors: The clerk is to post another advertisement on the council’s website and on the notice boards to seek further expressions of interest to fill the three vacant councillor positions. The Chair will also place the advertisement on Leven Village Facebook page.

23-24/38              General purpose matters

  • Foot Path Sign: the top of the foot path sign close to the lay-a-by between Brandesburton and Leven is missing. The clerk is to contact ERYC to have the foot path sign repaired.
  • A165 Roundabout Signage: the road signs on the A165 at the Whitecross Roundabout are obscured by vegetation. The Clerk is to contact ERYC to arrange for the vegetation to be cut back.
  • Jubilee Gardens: The telegraph pole recently erected by Connexin on the Jubilee Gardens has been removed. It was also noted that other residents in the village, after negotiations with Connexin have successfully had their telegraph poles re-positioned.
  • Cabinet on High Stiles: Mrs Jones is to explore the possibility of the painting of the Connexin Cabinet on High Styles.
  • Planter Sponsorship: The planters will be planted up once the current flowers have died back. The village planters and hanging baskets are currently sponsored by various local business and residents to cover the cost of the plants used. The Chair is to contact other business to see if they would like to sponsor the planters to help cover the cost of plants.
  • Policy review: The clerk is currently reviewing the council’s Financial Procedures and

Standing Orders which will be circulated prior to the next meeting.

23-24/39              Date of next meeting will be either held on 6 June 2023 7:15pm at the school.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.23pm

Signature: ………………………………..            Date: ………………………………..

Initials: ………..