Draft Minutes of Leven Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 7:15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs B Ellerington-Jennings, S Nicholson, D Thorne, R Jennings, R Gibson, P Bakes, Miss J Richardson, K Macklin, S Mathison, Mrs N Saunders, Councillor Gateshill,

Mrs A Fearnall

21-22/112     Apologies: None

21-22/113     Co-option of parish councillor: The clerk had received expressions of interest from 2 residents in the village which had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. Both residents attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation to the councillors. A vote was taken and Mrs A Fearnall was co-opted onto the council.

Minute’s silence: S Mathison proposed that a minute’s silence was held for the late

Mr Richard Southwell who had passed away recently. Mr Southwell had served on the parish council and gave up a lot of his time to help with groups in the village. S Mathison will represent the parish council at Mr Southwell’s funeral.

21-22/114     Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None

21-22/115     Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, P Bakes seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. S Mathison and Mrs N Saunders abstained from the voting as they were not present at the January meeting.

21-22/116     Clerk’s report: The clerk had spoken with Mrs Jacky Ward Lomax who was commissioned to carry out the carving of the Turkey Oak that is now situated on the Jubilee Garden. The tree needs to be treated and was advised to use Danish Oil. Mr Dawson will carry out the work.

21-22/117     Planning applications:

22/00062/STVAR – FCC Environmental Ltd – Application to vary Condition 10 (Foul Water Drainage) of planning permission 21/03947/STVAR Construction of holiday park comprising of 55 lodges, reception/amenity building and associated infrastructure at Catwick Grange,

Hornsea Road, Leven Leven parish council objects to the variation. The parish council requests that the conditions should not be amended at any stage. This is the 2nd variation that the parish council has been consulted on.

22/00160/TCA – Mrs Annie Wilcock – LEVEN CONSERVATION AREA – Fell 1 no. Leylandii tree (T1) due to the tree outgrowing its current situation, proximity to neighbouring properties and creating heavy shade; Crown reduce 3 no. Prunus trees (T2) by 50% due to the trees becoming excessively leggy and concerns over structural integrity at Beech Grove, 38A East Street, Leven

Leven parish council supports the tree officer’s recommendations.

21-22/118     Planning decisions

21/03947/STVAR – FCC Environmental Ltd – Construction of holiday park comprising of 55 lodges, reception/amenity building and associated infrastructure (Application to vary Condition 16 (Extraction Equipment) of planning permission 18/04095/STPLF – to enable works for other parts of the development to commence whilst the design of the building is being finalised) at Catwick Grange Hornsea Road Leven Approved

21/03982/PLF Mr & Mrs Prescott – Erection of single storey rear extension at 37 Rosedale, Leven: Leven parish council has no objections to the application. Formal planning permission not required

21-22/119     Correspondence

January 2022Clerks & Councils DirectNewsletter
 Humberside PoliceParish/Town News Release
5 January 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilFootpaths – Leven village
12 January 2022East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilEast Riding Local Plan – Notice of adoption of the Flood Risk Sequential and Exception Test SPD
28 January 2022National Association of Local CouncilsChief Executive’s Bulletin
 Mr P BauckhamPlanning application 21/03551

K Macklin declared an interest in the letter regarding planning application 21/03551 which had been sent to Planning, ERYC with the parish council copied in, and did not take part in any of the discussions.

Miss J Richardson joined the meeting at 7:48pm

21-22/120     Town and Parish Council Charter adoption:

The Town and Parish Council Charter documentation had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. S Mathison proposed, P Bakes seconded, and all were in favour of the parish council adopting the Charter. The clerk will advise East Riding of Yorkshire Council accordingly.

21-22/121  Traffic Regulation Order – High Stile, Mill Drive and The Orchard:

This had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. The parish council has no objections to the proposed TRO. The clerk will advise East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

21-22/122     Vacancy – Routh Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund: One application has been received from a resident wishing to be considered for the position of panel representative. S Nicholson proposed, D Thorne seconded, and all were in favour of Mrs Tennison being offered the position. The clerk will advise East Riding of Yorkshire Council accordingly.

21-22/123     Treasurer’s report

1 February 2022East Riding of Yorkshire Council£160.00Hire of school hall for parish council meetings
 Mr K Macklin (CEF.co.uk)£90.39Electrical parts for supply on Jubilee Garden
25 February 2022Mr A E Dawson£193.67February salary
 Mrs S L Woolfitt£399.13February salary & expenses

S Nicholson proposed, P Bakes seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

21-22/124     Financial matters: Village plaques – HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: The clerk had obtained a quote for 3 plaques to be produced to fasten onto the reverse of the village signs. The cost is £225 ex vat. S Nicholson proposed, P Bakes seconded, and all were in favour of the clerk placing an order.

21-22/125     HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: 2 June 2022 – 5 June 2022:

Celebrations are to take place with an extended Bank Holiday. Discussions were held as to what celebrations could take place in the village and it was suggested that some of the parish councillors meet on Sunday, 6 February at 10:30am to discuss. The chair is to put an article on Facebook inviting residents to join in. It was also suggested that the parish council plant a tree on the Jubilee Garden and a commemorative plaque put in front of it. The clerk is also looking at the possibility of obtaining a plaque to put in the footpath that crosses the Jubilee Garden.

21-22/126     General purpose matters

Christmas lights: It was decided that more lights are required for the Christmas tree. The clerk will purchase some.

New churchyard: S Mathison asked if the trees and bushes could be removed from the land as they are old and could do to be replaced. The clerk will seek permission from East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the PCC.

South Street: A white van is parked outside of the cottages on South Street and is causing a sight obstruction to vehicles exiting High Stile. The clerk is to contact the police to see if the van owner could be asked to move the vehicle.

21-22/127     Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 7:15pm in the school. As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:28pm