Leven Parish Council, 1 Rosedale, Leven, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NE

01964 544355 or 07720651437

A meeting of Leven parish council will take place on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 7:15pm at Leven CE (VC) School


22-23/87 Apologies
22-23/88 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
22-23/89 Minutes of the last meeting
22-23/90 Clerk’s report
22-23/91 Planning applications
22-23/92 Planning decisions
22-23/93 Correspondence
22-23/94 NALC – 2022-23 National Salary Award
22-23/95 Treasurer’s report
22-23/96 Financial matters:
2023-24 Budget
Joint application to Routh Windfarm Community Fund with
Tickton Parish Council to purchase plaques

22-23/97 Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Vacancy
22-23/98 Co-option of parish councillor
22-23/99 Standing Orders – update
22-23/100 Representatives reports
22-23/101 General purpose matters
22-23/102 Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 3, January 2023 at 7:15pm in the School

Sally L Woolfitt
Sally L Woolfitt
Clerk to Leven parish council

22/03535/PLF – S Lyell – Erection of single storey extension to rear of 4 Victoria Croft, Leven