Leven Parish Council, 1 Rosedale, Leven, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NE

01964 544355 or 07720651437

A meeting of Leven parish council which will take place on Tuesday, 5 April 2022 at 7:15pm at Leven CE (VC) School.


21-22/140 Apologies
21-22/141 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary
21-22/142 Minutes of the last meeting
21-22/143 Clerk’s report
21-22/144 Planning applications
21-22/145 Planning decisions
21-22/146 Correspondence
21-22/147 Treasurer’s report
21-22/148 Financial matters:
Grass cutting tenders
Brick planter maintenance
Leven Playing fields Association donation (revised)

21-22/149 HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: 2 June 2022 – 5 June 2022
21-22/150 General purpose matters
21-22/151 Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 3 May 2022 following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7:15pm in the school.

Sally Woolfitt
Clerk to Leven parish council

22/00556/PLF – Mr Chris Campbell – Erection of two storey extension to rear and increase in roof
height of existing dwelling – AMENDED DESCRIPTION at 2 Nursery Walk, Leven
22/00602/PLB – Leven and Beeford Medical Practice – Erection of single storey extension and
partial removal of existing boundary wall at side at Leven and Beeford Medical Practice,
29 High Stile, Leven