Welcome to the Leven Parish Council Website

Leven Parish Council serves the residents of Leven.

This website aims to allow the Parish Council to communicate more effectively with residents and to provide ways to allow them to contact the Parish Council.

Details of the date and the agenda of the next meeting, and the contact details of all Parish Councillors and the Clerk can be found on the Your Parish Council page and the Parish Council Meetings page contains past minutes and other useful documents for the current financial year.

Please note all meetings are to be held in the school from September 2021.  You may view latest agendas via noticeboards and the new website using the Parish Council Meetings.

The Planning Applications page briefly explains the local planning process and lists current planning applications with a link to the East Riding Planning portal for individual residents who want to make comments.

As a community Leven is very fortunate to have defibrillators at our disposal please note the location of these can be accessed via the link in the footer or here.

Leven also has a community directory of useful contact details and links for the local services and facilities available to our parish you can access this via the link in the footer or here.

Visit the Environment Agency website to keep up-to-date with potential flood risk within the Parish.

Exercise of Public Rights

  • To view this go to Financial Statements under the Finance heading of our documents page.